Waterfront Health Studio

Waterfront Health Studio

4-6 Moorabool Street Geelong VIC Australia

Call Now
03 5229 7000


Online pilates based programs designed by physiotherapists for you to complete in the comfort of your own home

Our team of Physiotherapists at Waterfront Health Studio are committed to working with you to ensure that we can still provide you with your Physiotherapy needs during COVID-19. Using Telehealth our Physiotherapists will conduct a thorough discussion with you to assess any musculoskeletal or pain issues that you may be experiencing. They will then provide you with a comprehensive understanding and education about your injury or concerns. You will then be prescribed with a treatment plan which may include stretches, exercises and a range of evidenced based self management strategies. Rebates for Telehealth sessions may be available, please email us at info@waterfronthealth.com.au or phone our receptionist on 52297000 for further information.


Business Type: Pilates Studio

Main Products/Service: Telehealth & Online Classes

Delivery: N/A

Pickup: N/A

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