

Shop S3 South Melbourne Market South Melbourne VIC Australia

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03 9682 4486


Gewürzhaus (meaning spice house), is a business close to the heart of German-born owners, Eva (pictured), Maria and their mother Gabi, who opened their first store in Melbourne in 2010, wanting to bring the wonderful world of spices to Australia.

Keeping with European tradition, their staff have a reputation for providing old-fashioned, personalised customer service, and customers are encouraged to open tubs of spice to smell, see and feel like you did when you were in your grandmother’s kitchen!

On offer is more than 350 single-origin spices, herbs, salts, peppers, teas and sugars from around the world, with a handy self-scoop system on offer. They also mix and mill over 100 unique small-batch blends, which are exclusive to Gewürzhaus and made on a weekly basis, from whole ingredients, ensuring freshness and the highest quality.


Business Type: Grocer

Main Products/Service: Specialty groceries

Delivery: Yes

Pickup: Yes

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