Hudsons Road Wine & Beer

Hudsons Road Wine & Beer

2/88 Hudsons Road Spotswood VIC Australia

Call Now
03) 9131 1069


OPEN! And not just a bottle shop!

Remember folks, we’ve got a small but growing selection of gourmet deli food. We’ve also taken the steps to be able to provide you our beloved selection of cheeses and sliced charcuterie in vacuum packed portions for some extra peace of mind.

We have handbag cocktails too 😉

We are open most days from midday (11am weekends) and can provide a spacious place for your shopping needs.

You can call ahead to order and pay over the phone for quick contactless collection, or even a sneaky drive by and goods collection through your window if parking permits! ph. 91311069.

Of course, don’t forget our selection of over 200 wines and 200 beers, with takeaway discounts for 6 or more.

We are continuing to work as hard and as fast as we can to get some online purchasing and delivery options going… over 400 products is just taking a while to get set up sorry.

You’ve been amazing so far friends and we can’t thank you enough. Please keep shopping and supporting local where you can.


Business Type: Boutique Alcohol

Main Products/Service: Bottle Shop, Deli and Meal Kits

Pickup: Yes

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