Lamaro's Hotel

Lamaro's Hotel

273-279 Cecil Street South Melbourne VIC Australia

Call Now
03 9690 3737


As you know the Victorian and Australian Government have closed all restaurants and bars, however regulations allowing, we have made the decision to keep Lamaro’s trading as a Gourmet Grocer & Boutique Wine, Beer & Spirits Store. This means you can enjoy and recreate Lamaro’s delicious food and premium wine at home until we reopen.

We have expanded our grocery menu items with new sauces, house-made pastas and essential grocery items, all being prepared daily.

Where possible we are sourcing local produce and supporting the wider Victorian community.

Let us sort dinner for you, we have hampers available from $100.

Please email to place an order and arrange pick up.

Orders are available:
Monday-Saturday 11am-5pm
Outside collection hours available on request.

Local delivery available for purchases of over $100 to South Melbourne, Albert Park, Middle Park and St Kilda West.

*please note all items are subject to availability


Business Type: Gourmet Grocer

Main Products/Service: Groceries, Beer, Wine & Spirits

Delivery: Yes

Pickup: Yes

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